The new menu layout is confusing. Is it possible to revert to a classic display?

For several weeks, I've been struggling with the new layout that seems to have been widely implemented across all JetBrains software (I'm a mature student and have the JetBrains package for free, enjoying coding in various languages). The issue is that the double step to work with the menus is driving me crazy. Does anyone know if there's a way to fix it?


Sure! You can make the menu visible all the time by enabling Settings | Appearance & Behavior | New UI | Show main menu in a separate toolbar.


@Eugene Morozov can you please answer if JetBrains is going to remove the function to disable the new UI? That would be a starting point for me to migrate to VSCode instead so I need to know whenever I should be preparing for that or no.


Fires3as0n The Classic UI will be transformed into a plugin starting from the 2024.2 version. It can be downloaded from the Marketplace at
For details please check:


@Anastasiia Zyrianova When the plugin will be deprecated?


Fires3as0n There are no such plans to deprecate the plugin. You can keep tracking the thread to be aware of the updates.


This new UI is completely stupid. Who over there thought it was a good idea to make it more work to use the menu? This is what happens when designers who do not do development are allowed to run amok with ideas that are aesthetic but make the application less productive. 

I'm glad I can fix the hiding of the menu, but I don't like the look of this overall. I use IntelliJ becuase its NOT VSCode. If you want me to use VSCode I'll just drop my license and use VSCode since you're not giving me a choice. Please just make the classic UI the default!


Hello Winston Kotzan 

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the new UI.

Currently, there are no plans to revert to the old UI. However, we understand that transitioning to a new user interface can take some time. To ease this transition, you can continue using the Classic UI plugin as an alternative.

Additionally, we’ve prepared a detailed blog post with tips on how you can customize the new UI to better match the experience of the old one: Bridging the Gap Between the Classic and New UIs. We hope you’ll find it helpful as you explore the new UI.

The updated interface was designed to improve usability, performance, and overall user experience. We’re confident that, with time and customization, the new UI will provide you with even greater benefits.

Please don’t hesitate to share any specific feedback or questions.


The new UI closely follows the design of VS Code, which raises the question—what’s the point of keeping an IntelliJ license? It’s disappointing that the UX/UI designers prioritized aesthetics over functionality, without considering the actual needs of developers. Perhaps if they spent more time coding, they’d better understand which features truly matter. It feels like their main goal was to optimize for 13-inch laptops rather than enhancing productivity. In my view, this redesign marks the end of the IntelliJ IDEA era. It’s fascinating and unfortunate to witness how a great IDE essentially orchestrated its own downfall. 


I agree. They let their “designers” run loose on this. Graphic "designers” just care about aesthetics and following trends because they don't actually use the software. I've worked at companies that ruined products this way. Did they talk to customers about why they like IntelliJ over VSCode before making a change like this? Any research? I doubt it. Seems to me they are just trying to copy the latest fashion, not realizing that many of us use IntelliJ because of its uniqueness.

I'll just switch to VSCode since it's free. Everyone else is using it, and even IntelliJ is going to force me to use that clunky style interface now I guess. I hate it, but it is what it is.


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