Settings and Configurable - listening to a configurable selection


I have a question. We can configure the Configurable class in plugin.xml to implement the Settings subtab, but how to listen for clicking the subtab. By default, the subtab is only initialized once, and I want it to trigger initialization every time I click it.



There is no API for this. What are you trying to implement? Why do you need this? What is the exact use case?


Because I have a situation where I first add a root TAB in settings, and then I create three sub-tabs in that TAB, and then my requirement is that the contents of the second sub-tab do not change with the contents of the first sub-tab after the contents of the first sub-tab Apply. Now I have to click OK, let the Settings page close, reopen it again, and the contents of the second subtab will load into the changes of the first subtab. So what I'm wondering is can I trigger the initialization of the second subtab again after the first subtab content apply, or reset every time I click the second subtab, or is there something else you can do?


Please do not duplicate questions. Continue in the original thread and wait patiently for an answer. If the answer is delayed, please ping us again.


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