How to host a Code With Me session using WSL with Jetbrains Gateway?


Hey everyone! Does anyone know how to host a Code With Me session using WSL with Jetbrains Gateway? I'm on version 2023.3.

When opening up a project that resides within my WSL2 distribution a JetBrains Client 2023.3.1 opens up. In this client I can do almost everything. I can launch my application, I can run all tests etc. I can even join a Code With Me session :) But I can't seem to find any option on how to host a Code With Me session - can anyone please advise me on what to do? Thanks!



Code With Me is not supported within Remote Development yet. We plan to add it the following year.


Thanks Gyulnara Nevezhina ! Do you have a ticket that I can watch in order to get updates on this?


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