no network connection from PyCharm terminal while I'm on vpn

no network connection from PyCharm terminal while I'm on vpn,
ping from cmd on my pc works fine.

if I disconnect the vpn, then I have connection from my PyCharm, but the issue is that my py script need to comunicate to server within my org via vpn


Could you please clarify if you need to establish network connection from terminal to your target host? What exactly script does? 
In the meantime, try netcat or telnet to check if connection could be established, since ping is not a sufficient way to confirm that.

i have the same issue, if i an in hte vpn and try to update some plugins or even the applications, pycharm always fails, when i disconnect to the vpn verything works as expected, is the same case when i try github copilot plugins if i am connected to the vpn the plugin fails but if i am disconected the plugin works as expected


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