How to make syntax hightlight with different style?
I want to highlight my IDENTIFIER token type in different ways. With my .bnf file, I defined something like below:
tokens = [
IDENTIFIER='regexp:([:letter:] | \_)(\w | \.)*'
NamespaceDefinition ::= 'namespace' IDENTIFIER
IncludeDefinition ::= 'include' IDENTIFIER
Now I'm trying to highlight IDENTIFIER in different ways for example:

I tried to use flex state to distinguish them, like:

This will highlight as expected. But also will cause syntax error, because my .bnf requires IDENTIFIER, but the flex gives CUSTOM types:

I considered defining duplicate IDENTIFIER in my bnf file, but that's not looks like the best way :
tokens = [
IDENTIFIERA='regexp:([:letter:] | \_)(\w | \.)*'
IDENTIFIERB='regexp:([:letter:] | \_)(\w | \.)*'
NamespaceDefinition ::= 'namespace' IDENTIFIERA
IncludeDefinition ::= 'include' IDENTIFIERB
Please teach my how to resolve this, I have been agonizing over this question for several days, Please help o(╥﹏╥)o……
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If the only purpose is different highlighting, you should not use Lexer states. You may want to use different tokens though, but that's really depending on the language and the features/semantics.
You can use additional highlighting via Annotator as described here
If I use different tokens, is that means I shoud define two different token with same regexp like below? Cause this looks really weird…
If you want to, then yes. Nothing wrong with that per se.