Android emulator stops automatically
I am using intellij idea and installed 2 emulators i am receiving an error while running the emulator
1) when i click on the extended control button (the three dots)
2) The extended control window pops up and then the emulator automatically closes itself. I don't even know what's the exact problem is.
It runs smooth for everything but not when i click on those three dots.
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Could you please share idea.log ("Help | Show Log in…") after restarting IDE and reproducing the issue to check IDE configuration and recorded events? You may share files via form.
Upload id: 2024_01_17_3GoZ4CtQZCmLWVr3E773ri (file: idea.log) here is my upload id of my idea.log
Unfortunately, I couldn't reproduce the problem from our side in build 2023.3.2
Since the Android plugin was developed and being maintained by the Google team please report this issue at for a further investigation