How can LanguageTextField achieve automatic prompts and syntax checking for external classes?


I extended LanguageTextField and wanted to input a piece of Java through it.
But it won't detect what my custom classes (such as the Utils and Request classes in the picture) should do. Let LanguageTextField also automatically prompt for my custom class

1 comment

This seems to work in 2024.2.3 for Java, but not Kotlin.

If I initialize LanguageTextField with JavaLanguage.INSTANCE everything works as I'd expect, but if I use KotlinLanguage.INSTANCE the IDE can only detect Java classes in the project and everything that is inside the stdlib.

Unrelated, but the syntax highlight for Kotlin is also not working perfectly. However, I see the same issue when using @Language("kotlin") on some string, so that's not an issue of LanguageTextField itself, but a more widespread problem.


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