Firebird SQL Script support
I recently aquired a DataGrip license and love that tool.
I mainly work with Firebird and added the JDBC driver. Unfortunately I cannot run scripts that contain constructs like
set term ^;
execute block…
As within these blocks (also procedures, functions, triggers) “;” is used in the code and does not mark the end of the complete command, “set term.” is used to set the termination sign, in this case ^.
Is there a way to make this work? We are testing a lot of scripts of our software here ´.
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Are you unable to run the script or it just shows the error? As of now Firebird dialect support is still a feature request -
Unfortunately the script is nit executed. I know about the post and would love to see Firebirdncompletely supported but currently itcwould already help if I could make DG just route the Statement to the Firebird Server as is. Can I disable checks?
@Ms, I assume you're trying to execute something like:
Could you try to set For selection execute as Exactly as one statement, select your code block and execute?
I use the setting above and tried the following statement (that I verified with Database Workbench to execute correctly):
Unfortunately this leads to an error:
I guess that executing scripts is different from executung regular sql statements. Delphi has special script classes at least for firebird scripts as they cannot be executed through query classes that can also execute a single insert oder update.
It would really be great if executing scripts would be possible.
I see. I think it hasn't supported yet.
Please, follow the issue to get updates
I have the same problem, unfortunatelly have to use DBeaver just to run scripts.
There's also another issue, it doesn't show the miliseconds in the timestamp columns, it shows ie "2024-05-25 12:00:00" when DBeaver shows “2024-05-25 12:00:00.123” ← 123 = example of miliseconds.