Is it possible to make Idea persist its settings on disk without closing the project or Idea itself?


In my company, we are using some external tools which read settings from the “workspace.xml” and “misc.xml” files in the .idea directory when they get launched. 

Unfortunately, when the users change these settings via the settings dialog and press the “Ok” or “Apply” button, the settings do not directly get saved to these files. You have to close the project or close Idea to get this information saved to disk. So it can happen that the external tools run with outdated settings when a user has changed the settings and they have not got persisted yet.

Is there a way to force Idea to save the settings to disk without closing the project or Idea itself?


Thanks. I always thought the “save all” was related to the editor files.
Is there also a way to do this programmatically, without requiring the user to do it manually?
Like a setting which performs the saving when the settings dialog gets closed or a way to say "perform the action ‘Save All’ before external tools get run?


There are some settings:

Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Save files when switching to a different application or a built-in terminal
Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Save files if the IDE is idle for

You can also do it via a plug-in. If you have plug-in development questions, please refer to .


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