How to highlight files in tree with errors (missing methods, classes etc)

In VSCode If i delete a method and its being referenced in another file, the file is highlighted red in the tree:

In PHPStorm all i get is a barely visible underline for the reference and no highlighting of the file in the tree:


1 - How can i make this underline more pronounced? To instead highlight the entire method like in VSCode?

2 - How can i get the file to show up red in the tree indicating that there's an error?

Sidenote, I found the “Problems” tab in PHPStorm but it shows nothing about that error and instead shows a bunch of false positives? I shows a bunch of errors on this one line that has no issue:


Hi there,

1 - How can i make this underline more pronounced? To instead highlight the entire method like in VSCode?

Settings/Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme | General | Errors and Warnings” – check and adjust the appropriate styles there.


2 - How can i get the file to show up red in the tree indicating that there's an error?

It shows .. but for certain kind of errors only (for PHP that would be parser level, not inspections).

There are tickets to make it work with inspections as well, but estimates on when it might be implemented. Watch (star/vote/comment) these to get notified about any progress:



Sidenote, I found the “Problems” tab in PHPStorm but it shows nothing about that error and instead shows a bunch of false positives? I shows a bunch of errors on this one line that has no issue:

Switch to the File tab there (to show it for the currently focused file). Any better?

This might be some cache issue or even different file altogether.


it shows nothing about that error and instead shows a bunch of false positives

False positives are caused by this bug:



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