Pycharm Plugin: inject python in xml attribute does not work
I am creating a Pycharm plugin in which i want to inject the python language in an xml attribute. I followed the documentation and have the following setup:
<injection language="python" injector-id="xml" enabled="true">
<display-name>Eval Injections</display-name>
and in my plugin.xml file:
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="org.intellij.intelliLang">
<injectionConfig config="injections/xmlInjections.xml"/>
When i run the plugin the injection does not show up in the settings, and i don't get any errors. What am i doing wrong?
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Hi Allesio,
According to the information on, is the IntelliLang plugin enabled in your IDE?
Yes it is bundled with the PyCharm IDE
I found out what i was doing wrong, i forgot following line in my plugin.xml file