How to unhide usage inlay hint for method annotated with a specific annotation
Hello everyone.
I'm currently facing an issue: some time ago I accidentally switched off showing usage inlay hint for methods annotated with @io.qameta.allure.Step annotation on my project. It was shown in context actions and I can't find the option to turn them back on.
I've searched through multiple configuration files (including .idea directory) and I wasn't able to find any exclude list or any mention of @Step annotation in the context of inlay hints whatsoever.
I've also tried updating settings in Editor > Inlay hints > Code vision > Usages, but I can either turn off all the usages hints, or turn them on, but when turned on, methods annotated with @Step have no usages hints – again, there are no options to customize that setting.

I'm using Intellij IDEA CE 2023.3.2. Any help would be appreciated.
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I understand that you want to unhide the usage inlay hint for methods annotated with @io.qameta.allure.Step annotation in IntelliJ IDEA. This is a common issue that some users have faced before.
The solution is to check the Exclude list for the Annotations category in the Inlay Hints settings. You might have accidentally added the @Step annotation to the exclude list, which prevents the usage inlay hint from showing up for methods with that annotation.
To access the exclude list, follow these steps:
Press Ctrl + Alt + S to open the Settings dialog.
Go to Editor | Inlay Hints | Annotations | Java.
Click on the Exclude list link at the bottom of the page.
Look for the @Step annotation in the list and remove it if it is there.
Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog.
You should now be able to see the usage inlay hint for methods annotated with @Step annotation in your editor. You can also right-click on the hint and select Show hints for the current method if you want to enable it for a specific method.
I hope this helps you solve your issue.
Thanks for replying, Stephen378baker

I've tried looking for an Exclude list for Annotations in Inlay Hints settings, but I wasn't able to find the link you're talking about.
Attached are the screenshots of my Settings window.
Can the absence of that link be related to the version of the IDEA I am using?
Here's my IDEA version again:
IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3.2 (Community Edition)
Build #IC-233.13135.103, built on December 20, 2023
Runtime version: 17.0.9+7-b1087.9 aarch64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.