Unable to give input in run section while running my maven cucumber junit
Im using maven project with cucumber and junit in there im running my test runner. my test case having system input scanner class in java but after running the file unable to enter anything because that is in read only mode i guess.
How to enter any value there?
not able to give pass or fail
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Please check this thread: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000556544-Why-can-t-I-input-anything-from-console-when-i-run-unit-test-with-JUNIT
Sergei Riabinin This that thread they mentioned to add the VM options -Deditable.java.test.console=true
I added that and restarted the ide. but still i can't able to achieve to give input.
Attached scrrenshot.
do i need do something else? In cardFlowsTestRunner im running.
Please help me to achieve this in this iDE. but the same thing i can able to achieve it in eclipse. because that having single console i guess.
Sergei Riabinin Thanks , This is resolved by adding by
Add This in VM Options - Help -> Edit Custom VM options -> Past this command
Restarted the IDE