Code Style settings not being applied consistently

Recently I started having an issue with the automatic code styles applied correctly. I also just upgraded to 2023.3.4 (from 2023.2.4), in hopes the issue would go away, but it didn't. 

I'm not sure what changed to make this happen. But basically, I have blocks something like this:

->add('org', Select2Type::class, [
    'label'            => 'Primary IC',
    'class'            => Org::class,
    'route'         => '_api_Org_get_collection',
    'route_params'  => ['order[name]' => 'asc'],
    'term_param'    => 'search',
    'text_property' => 'name',
    'required'         => false,
    'placeholder'      => 'Search for IC ...',
    'min_input_length' => 1,

Notice the assignments are not lined up, even when I do a Ctrl-Alt-L, this is how it formats it. There are no tabs in this text.

However, If I take that array it put it into a separate assignment statement like this, it works:

$a = [
    'label'            => 'Primary IC',
    'class'            => Org::class,
    'route'            => '_api_Org_get_collection',
    'route_params'     => ['order[name]' => 'asc'],
    'term_param'       => 'search',
    'text_property'    => 'name',
    'required'         => false,
    'placeholder'      => 'Search for IC ...',
    'min_input_length' => 1,

1 comment

I just figured it out.  I didn't realize the default ‘scope’ was set to ‘Only changes to uncommited to VCS’. I unchecked that and now it its fine. Posting this for posterity.


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