When I open multiple projects, except for the first one, all other projects get stuck for a long time


In addition, there are also problems with closing the project. The pop-up window will get stuck when closing the project.

In order to ensure development, I was forced to turn to vscode。

this is log: 

Upload id: 2024_02_22_C7ZNhggVnt2wyLRyqQLQQV (file: idea-logs-20240222-09531313568440411844987409.zip)



Does the problem go away if you disable all of the downloaded plugins and restart the IDE? Preferences | Plugins | ⚙ | Disable all downloaded plugins

Custom plugins: [React Native Console Free (2023.3.0), Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack / 中文语言包 (233.199), VSCode Keymap (233.11799.188), React Native Snippets (0.1), Uniapp Tool (1.0.12-231.3), GitHub Copilot (, Aladdin Logcat (0.0.3), Browser (1.0.7), Unocss (1.4.5), Android (233.14475.28), Wechat mini program support (3.5.16)]

If it does, see if it helps to disable GitHub Copilot plugin specifically. I see lots of hanging threads with its code at the front.

If the issue remains, see if it helps to re-generate project configuration settings for each of the affected projects:

  1. Close the IDE, go to the project directory, backup and delete the entire .idea folder and any *.iml files from its root
  2. In the IDE, go to File | New | Project from existing sources, select the project's source (root directory or main build file)
  3. Wait for indexing to finish

As you suggested, after I disabled the github copilot plugin, the IDE seemed to become smoother. Maybe I should report the issue to github.


Yes, you can report it here or here.


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