how to disable "defined outside __init__" messages and the yellow, underline
hello, thanks, using “PyCharm 2023.3.3 (Professional Edition) Build #PY-233.13763.11"
i want to disable the warning about “Instance attribute … defined outside __init__ ”
how to disable yellow, wiggle underline of the text?
in this dialog box, there is no way to disable this.
please, how to disable this?
i did not find the answer looking at other forum posts
for other issues, as shown here, there is an option to ‘ignore errors like this’
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Hi Asdffdsa6132 , you can disable it under File | Settings | Editor | Inspections. Does it help?
Or you can put this comment just before the specific statement or method to disable just that particular warning
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
Mikhail Tarabrikov,
thanks, that does help
@Humberto A Sanchez Ii, thanks, good to know.