Azure ActiveDirectory interactive stopped working

I'm trying to login to an Azure SQL DB via AAD with MFA (required by company policy). I was not having any issue with this last Friday. Today, DataGrip opens the browser and it looks like it's trying to connect to but switches to a localhost url with a random port number instead of the Microsoft login url. The browser opens several tabs doing the same thing.

Eventually, I get an error in DataGrip: 

Failed to authenticate the user in Active Directory (Authentication=ActiveDirectoryInteractive). No Authorization code was returned from the server


I updated to the latest DataGrip version and still have the problem. 


I do not use proxies. I do not have this problem using Azure Data Studio.


This seems similar to

Any ideas what the problem could be?


Hi David,

The issue is probably related to the recent Chrome update. It was also reported to YouTrack as DBE-20291.


  • Check HSTS settings in your browser as mentioned in this comment
  • Open Chrome with the following --disable-features flag as mentioned here:
open -a "Google Chrome" --args --disable-features=PrivateNetworkAccessForNavigations,PrivateNetworkAccessForNavigationsWarningOnly

Arina Efremova  I set the Safari browser as default and it worked! I'd rather use Brave (Chromium based) so I'll try again periodically to see if it gets fixed.

Thanks for your input!


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