Azure ActiveDirectory interactive stopped working
I'm trying to login to an Azure SQL DB via AAD with MFA (required by company policy). I was not having any issue with this last Friday. Today, DataGrip opens the browser and it looks like it's trying to connect to but switches to a localhost url with a random port number instead of the Microsoft login url. The browser opens several tabs doing the same thing.
Eventually, I get an error in DataGrip:
Failed to authenticate the user in Active Directory (Authentication=ActiveDirectoryInteractive). No Authorization code was returned from the server
I updated to the latest DataGrip version and still have the problem.
I do not use proxies. I do not have this problem using Azure Data Studio.
Any ideas what the problem could be?
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Hi David,
The issue is probably related to the recent Chrome update. It was also reported to YouTrack as DBE-20291.
flag as mentioned here:Arina Efremova I set the Safari browser as default and it worked! I'd rather use Brave (Chromium based) so I'll try again periodically to see if it gets fixed.
Thanks for your input!