WebStorm 2024 got very laggy?

I am using WebStorm and just updated from 2023.X to 2024.

On Windows machine but.. very powerful. i9-13900K, 64GB, SSD 990 PRO

But since the update I am getting a lot of lags after I want to auto complete something.

Yes, I am using CoPilot but that wasn't the case earlier. I have not enabled auto line completion by JetBrains.


Something is very wrong here. I get freezes like for 3 seconds and then I can continue working. VERY annoying.

Does anyone also has simialr problems?


Thank you for creating a support ticket, this would help us to investigate the issue.

As initial step, I'd suggest reducing the `Xmx` value at Help | Change Memory Settings to 6Gb at most, as basically the JVM takes the entire heap size (Xmx), it doesn't run the garbage collector aggressively before the heap size limit is reached. This can cause high RAM usage and overall IDE slowdown.


Same here on WebStorm 2024.1.5. MacBook Pro M1 Max.  Cannot even take a memory snapshot, it just freezes. 


Thanks Elena Pogorelova! I switched to 2024.2 EAP and brought down the memory settings to `6Gb`. That seems to have helped a bit!

Great, thanks for update!

I Sam, I have the same problem


rubymine 2024 on windows with WSL2 has been continuously unresponsive for me since updating to 2024. Every 5-20 minutes i need to restart the IDE because it no longer will let me type any text, search, open specific files, commit, etc. 


Adnan could you please specify whether you've tried 2024.2 Beta as well? How does it go there in terms of performance? If the problem persists, it'd be great if you could provide more details with the whole logs' folder (Help - Collect Logs..) on our tracker


I'm experiencing significant performance issues with WebStorm, and to a lesser extent, with PHPStorm and CLion. The problems are particularly severe with WebStorm:

  1. Switching from Chrome to WebStorm causes the IDE to freeze for approximately 10 seconds before becoming responsive again.
  2. After extended coding sessions (10+ hours), a complete restart of the application is necessary to restore functionality.
  3. The integrated terminal feature has become unusable due to these issues, forcing me to rely on external terminal applications.

It's worth noting that these problems are not due to insufficient hardware resources. I'm using a high-performance XMG Neo 17 (2024 model) with upgraded specifications, which easily handles resource-intensive tasks.

As a user of the All Products Pack, working across multiple technologies, these performance issues are significantly impacting my productivity and workflow.

Has anyone else encountered similar problems or found potential solutions? Any assistance or insights from the JetBrains team would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Horvat Goran360 do you have any tools watching the project files are re-building the application on Save? If yes, does excluding the build target folders from project (Mark directory as/Excluded) to get rid of re-indexing when flashing the generated stuff to disk make things any better?
Delays on changing focus are usually caused by synchronizing IDE virtual file system with external changes (that happens on moving focus to the IDE frame) and re-indexing newly added files. You can turn this synchronization off in Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings, Synchronize external changes when switching to the IDE window or opening an editor tab


Hello Elena. I didnt even think about this. Those are some good points. Yes we have an automatic build and sync happening on our side. I will try the solutions above. As well cache clearing. Ill keep you updated have a big coding session today so ill see if above did the trick or not atleast for the WebStorm on PHPStorm and CLion we do not have the build process well not like on WebStorm anyway. 


Same here this is getting nuts. I have no such issues whatsoever in Rider etc and there i got some pretty massive backend systems running! Disabling copilot etc code line completions doesnt help. 

what i have noticed though is that after a clean start it sort of is ok for me for about 2-3 hours depending on how much i do. usually i start to notice once i start to work on more than 6 files and its been 1+ hours of coding. 

Really annoying issue guys… I am thinking maybe RAM related and caching?

Also i am running webstorm with 6192m for VM options


It's not just Macs. I have the same issue with both PyCharm and WebStorm on an Asus ROG 14 which is defo not an entry level machine. All plugins disabled, a relatively small project opened. Just pressing the right arrow to run the cursor is laggy.

Hello everyone, 
Although you can experience similar symptoms the cause of the issue can be different. That is why we need to closely research each of them. For this, we would kindly ask you to create new issues on YouTrack(https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/WEB) and share the following:
1. Describe when the problem occurs(is it random, or do some specific actions cause it). A video may also be helpful.
2. Capture a CPU usage snapshot once the problem occurs. For information about how to capture it, please see https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241235-Reporting-performance-problems.
3. Collect IDE logs after the problem occurs(Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data). 

Thank you in advance. 

I have started having this issue after upgrading to 2024.2.0.1 (242.20224.426) on macos Sonoma 14.6.1 (23G93), Macbook M2 Pro.


Edit: rolling back to my previous version (2024.1.5) fixed this for me.


If you're experiencing problems with the 2024.2.2 version and can't find any solution, I suggest you try these steps in order:

  1. Disable Atom Material Icons (if you have it installed), restart, and test your app.
  2. Increase your RAM to 6 GB, restart, and check again.
  3. As a last resort, restore default IDE settings, then reinstall only the necessary plugins.

I performed all these steps in order, but you can try each step individually to see if it solves the problem.


The same issue.
I see that WS creates node.exe process that gradually increases memory usage up to 4GB memory and then drops, after that WS recreates it again. And it repeats all the time. Obvious memory leak.
Upgrade to the latest version didn't help.

Honestly it's a terrible experience for a paid software. Just FYI I'm looking for other options, going to drop WS subscription because it's unusable, I wasted some days already looking for solutions but nothing helps


Dima The IDE has the capability to initiate various language services (such as Typescript, linters, and tailwindcss) based on your settings and project dependencies. Could you please examine the node command arguments in the task manager to identify which script is being executed with node? This may help in pinpointing the issue.


Elena Pogorelova sorry, but I don't have time to debug software that I paid for. I've already wasted a lot of time to try different solutions. Only solution that helped me - downgrade to v2023. At least it doesn't create leaking node.exe processes.


I had the same issue. To resolve this issue, I checked all extensions and found 1 extension that ran `node` process and didn't close it.
As I remember it was DB manager or something like this.


Yurii Lets say I found the broken extension and what's next? Disable it? What if I need it for work?


Remove and restart the IDE.


I'm still experiencing the same issue even after upgrading to version 2024.3.2. I tried disabling all my installed plugins and enabling them one by one, and it seems the Import Cost plugin might be the root cause. Thankfully, everything is working perfectly now!


We would kindly ask you to create a new youtrack ticket  about the problem you’re experiencing. This would help us ensure that nothing is lost in the comments to this long thread. 


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