Create DialogWrapper with TextFieldWithHistory()
Hello everyone, I'm new to plugin development and I need help determining the UI type of my plugin form.
I tried using DialogWrapper, but it doesn't seem to work for me. The logic of the plugin is as follows:
I get a list of projects from gitlab and by selecting a project from the list, using the gitlab api I get a list of project branches and set this list in the "Branches" field.
Actually the problem is that I don’t understand how I can get the current value of the “Repositories” field and then, depending on the choice, set the value of the “Branches” field. I create the panel as follows:
protected @Nullable JComponent createCenterPanel() {
panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JLabel repository = new JLabel("Repository:");
TextFieldWithHistoryrepositoryField = new TextFieldWithHistory();
JPanel repositoryPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
repositoryPanel.add(repository, BorderLayout.WEST);
TextFieldWithHistory branchField = new TextFieldWithHistory();
JLabel branch = new JLabel("Branch:");
JPanel branchPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
branchPanel.add(branch, BorderLayout.WEST);
panel.add(repositoryPanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
panel.add(branchPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
return panel;
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Try adding listener for the repositoryField and fill the branches filed in the listener logic. Current repository value can be retrieved with
.Thank you, I will try