As kumiech said it seems to be related to the js/ts language service.
I'm using angular with the new control flow syntax (@if @switch,….) and this sometimes keep crashing the language service.
From time to time the language service is struggeling with the new syntax and marking everything in red complaining about the { syntax. Restarting webstorm helps.
My problem is similar, After I updated, the CPU increased by 50% to 70% and while I only opened 1000 to 4000 lines of code on 1 class, version 2024.1 definitely has problems.
Hi tomydatnguyen , If the issue here doesn't cover your case, please submit a ticket via Help | Contact Support and share logs from Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data for further investigation.
Also seeing a major change in performance since 2024.1, incl. the copy and paste issue, occasional lockup for 10 seconds or so, and general sluggishness.
I now regularly experience sluggish responsiveness even when typing a comment in a Java file where you can feel the lag between typing and rendering. When typing I am seeing CPU capping out.
I am also now often finding that the IDE will not remove some unused imports when I use the new Organize Imports (which now says remove/delete rather than the general organize). It seems to happen more with static imports. I press it on a greyed out unused imports and nothing happens.
Windows 10 Enterprise. Play Framework / SBT / Java / Webpack / JS / Vue / Stylus.
Cristian Oprea, the root cause may be different. If you still face issues, please submit a request via Help | Contact Support,and attach logs from Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data for further investigation.
Please submit a ticket via Help | Contact Support or here and attach logs from Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data for the investigation.
Hi M Flogaus, Anastasiia Zyrianova, I confirmed that it got worse for me update upgrade to 2024.1.1. But if it helps, I went delete the whole settings folder .PhpStorm<version> in AppData. Then everything seems better: no more lags 2 days up till now. (I know it sucks because after we have to reinstall all plugins, all personal settings, etc., but it can work).
Same here, Intellij IDEA Ultimate 2024.1.1, Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.1). Seems worse with 2024.1.1 compared to 2024.1. CPU going 100% (all cores) on changes in the source, no background tasks shown. Renders the IDE almost unusable.
Pavsindelar As the root cause of performance issues may vary, please submit a separate request at or via PhpStorm | Help | Contact Support, and share logs for further investigation.
Jos Warmer Unfortunately I failed to locate the memory snapshot using the specified ID. Please could you re-upload it?
As initial step, I'd suggest reducing the Xmx value at Help | Change Memory Settings to 6Gb at most, as basically the JVM takes the entire heap size (Xmx), it doesn't run the garbage collector aggressively before the heap size limit is reached. This can cause high RAM usage and overall IDE slowdown.
According to our performance tests, the upgrading to 2024.2 EAP can help. Please could you check if it works any better for you? When trying the EAP, please make sure that the Use types from server is enabled in Settings | Languages & Frameworks | TypeScript.
Same issue here. Mostly when doing like copy pasting something or removing a line by using ctrl+x.
I have the same issue. Mostly when editing .js/.ts files the app freezes very often.
As kumiech said it seems to be related to the js/ts language service.
I'm using angular with the new control flow syntax (@if @switch,….) and this sometimes keep crashing the language service.
From time to time the language service is struggeling with the new syntax and marking everything in red complaining about the { syntax. Restarting webstorm helps.
I have the same issue on Linux Ubuntu 23.04.
The issue with copy+paste operations in JavaScript projects is filed here: It will be fixed in the 2024.1.1 version.
My problem is similar,
After I updated, the CPU increased by 50% to 70% and while I only opened 1000 to 4000 lines of code on 1 class, version 2024.1 definitely has problems.
Hi tomydatnguyen ,
If the issue here doesn't cover your case, please submit a ticket via Help | Contact Support and share logs from Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data for further investigation.
Keeps locking up when pasting.
Major regression bug.
В 2024.1 практически невозможно работать с typescript, периодически зависает на 10 секунд.
Пришлось вернуться к 2023.3.
Artemeey2 Поблема починена в версии 2024.1.1. Вы уже можете воспользоваться Preview версией
Also seeing a major change in performance since 2024.1, incl. the copy and paste issue, occasional lockup for 10 seconds or so, and general sluggishness.
I now regularly experience sluggish responsiveness even when typing a comment in a Java file where you can feel the lag between typing and rendering. When typing I am seeing CPU capping out.
I am also now often finding that the IDE will not remove some unused imports when I use the new Organize Imports (which now says remove/delete rather than the general organize). It seems to happen more with static imports. I press it on a greyed out unused imports and nothing happens.
Windows 10 Enterprise. Play Framework / SBT / Java / Webpack / JS / Vue / Stylus.
I have the same problem in the 2024.1 preview
Cristian Oprea, the root cause may be different. If you still face issues, please submit a request via Help | Contact Support, and attach logs from Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data for further investigation.
One Scala project opened

love it when storm can fully utilize my cpus <3
Hey People =)
Today i've upgraded to 2024.1.1 - and it's gotten even worse. PhpStorm uses 12G of Ram and loads my CPU by 90%.
At this point i am really considering giving vs-code a go…
Hi M Flogaus ,
Please submit a ticket via Help | Contact Support or here and attach logs from Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data for the investigation.
Hi M Flogaus, Anastasiia Zyrianova, I confirmed that it got worse for me update upgrade to 2024.1.1.
But if it helps, I went delete the whole settings folder .PhpStorm<version> in AppData. Then everything seems better: no more lags 2 days up till now. (I know it sucks because after we have to reinstall all plugins, all personal settings, etc., but it can work).
Same on Intellij Idea Ultimate on Windows & MacOS impacted. Last stable version is 2023.3.6.
Same here, Intellij IDEA Ultimate 2024.1.1, Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.1). Seems worse with 2024.1.1 compared to 2024.1. CPU going 100% (all cores) on changes in the source, no background tasks shown. Renders the IDE almost unusable.
Pavsindelar As the root cause of performance issues may vary, please submit a separate request at or via PhpStorm | Help | Contact Support, and share logs for further investigation.
Same issue after PhpStorm upgrade to 2024.1.1: stable 45-50% CPU usage for no particular reason with one project opened (no background tasks)
Instead of using the 2024 version, use the 2023.3.6 version.
If you downgrade it will be super fast.
I'am using 2023.3.6, there is no issues.
Good luck!
2024 version of WebStorm is using huge amount of memory and almost all CPU, on a MacBook Prop M1 Max.
This is then first time after two years that I hear the fan of my MacBook!
Jos Warmer Unfortunately I failed to locate the memory snapshot using the specified ID. Please could you re-upload it?
As initial step, I'd suggest reducing the
value at Help | Change Memory Settings to6Gb
at most, as basically the JVM takes the entire heap size (Xmx
), it doesn't run the garbage collector aggressively before the heap size limit is reached. This can cause high RAM usage and overall IDE slowdown.Upload ID "2024_07_01_NS99Gcamxi8rDiqCbxW9ii"
Thank you!
According to our performance tests, the upgrading to 2024.2 EAP can help. Please could you check if it works any better for you? When trying the EAP, please make sure that the Use types from server is enabled in Settings | Languages & Frameworks | TypeScript.
Installed 2024.2 EAP and I did not have memory problems anymore :-).