Webstorm change how themes looks and I dont know why and how revert it

Hi! I hope you can help me with this annoying problem.

As i said in the title, for one reason that I dont know the looks of the themes change seems automatically and I dont know how to revert this.

This is how i expect to look, basically the default (i think)

And this is how start to look:

Now the only way i find to see it how i want is installing another theme, but with the time the new theme is also damaged

Can you help me with this annoying situation?

Thank you very much in advance!


I'm not sure I understand what issue you refer to. The colors in both screenshots look identical to me. Please could you clarify what you mean saying that the scheme is damaged?


Hello Elena!

Look the font size, the font style,  the space between the curly braces and the text, even the color is slightly different in the second image it looks more opaque.

Also in the second image you can see some vertical white lines that do not make sense with the indentation of the text.


Miguel 08 144 

Check your font / color scheme settings and adjust if necessary:

  • Settings/Preferences | Editor | Font
  • Settings/Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme | Color Scheme Font

I believe if you set the right font then the spacing will get better automatically.


Hello Andriy!

I disabled this option here:
“Settings/Preferences | Editor | Color scheme | Color combination font”

And it looks good again! 

Thank you so much!


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