Dragging on the page does not take effect when opening OSR when creating JCEF browser
val jbCefBrowser = JBCefBrowser.createBuilder()
What else do I need to implement after enabling OSR
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I'm sorry but I don't understand your question. Please describe the problem in detail.
Sorry, maybe I didn't explain it clearly. I developed an IDEA plugin that uses JCEF and sets Offscreen Rendering. After loading the page, dragging and dropping it on the page failed; But when Off screen Rendering is turned off, it can actually be dragged. What else do I need to do when setting up Offscreen Rendering to not affect the drag and drop function of the webpage?
It is still unclear what you are trying to do. I've got an information that drag'n'drop between different windows is not supported in OSR out-of-the-box and an additional effort might be needed. Suggestions:
methods. If this API is not enough, please create an issue on youtrack.jetbrains.com (project: JetBrains Runtime, Subsystem: jcef) and describe your use case in detail.