SQL language injection help
If my string containing SQL starts with SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, etc it is recognized as SQL and syntax highlighting work. If it starts with “WITH” or a comment ("--") it's not recognized. I can add an explicit @lang comment to get it to work, but, that's tedious and ugly.
Can I declare a function parameter with a lang attribute so it's always interpreted as SQL at the call site?
I've tried messing with the injection rules, but haven't had success.
Thanks for any help
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Hi there,
On one hand: the Language Injection rule would be the best as it will work in all places. On another hand – it can cause false positives (if you have a plain string that starts with a similar sequence).
Yes, if it's a code that you can edit. Use special #[Language] PHP Attribute by JetBrains:
Do you have a few examples of such a strings? I have this rules, seems to work (a clone from similar rule for JS context):
Both approaches work great. Thank you so much!
And since you asked for an example:
WITH expanded_multipacks AS (
SELECT id, mp_model, pack, pack_num
model AS mp_model,
UNNEST(ARRAY [pack1_ref2, pack2_ref2, pack3_ref2, pack4_ref2, pack5_ref2]) AS pack,
generate_series(1, 5) AS pack_num
FROM tblups_multipacks) _inner
WHERE pack_num <= packs -- ignore unused packs
SELECT coalesce(pack, modelnumber) AS model,
coalesce(mp_model, '') AS mp_model,
FROM fun_display_shipment_status($1)
LEFT OUTER JOIN expanded_multipacks ON mp_model = modelnumber
WHERE shipqty > 0;
Thanks, the aforementioned injection rule works for that code just fine, even for a variable (e.g.
$sql = “WITH…”
).P.S. There is another way of injecting the same (can work with any function, even if it's not your code / the code that you cannot edit). But there are some restrictions:
Could be used for 3rd party code (if the above conditions are OK).
Thanks for the followup. That's good to know!