If in-editor results are disabled, the result of the executed query will be displayed exactly in the area that you highlighted, in the Services tool window:
If you don't see the window, activate it from the main menu like this:
Enable widescreen tool window layout in the settings:
In the Services tool window, click on the ellipsis button (vertical three dots) in the top-right corner and disable the option to “Show Services Tree”:
thank you.
Is there any other way to change layouts without using In-Editor Results mode?
What is your end goal? Where do you want the results to be shown?
As displayed:
If in-editor results are disabled, the result of the executed query will be displayed exactly in the area that you highlighted, in the Services tool window:
If you don't see the window, activate it from the main menu like this:
That's true. However, I don't want to see the service tree, just the database explorer and result grid
exactly like this
This is it)
thank you so much!