Extending a class with 'public static void main' no longer allows you to run it
In previous a IntelliJ version, it was possible to run a class which extended another with a `psvm` method. For example:
abstract class RunClass {
static RunClass rc
static void main(String[] args) {
abstract void run()
// Before, the IDE allowed you to run this class (green triangle on the left of the class name).
class Test extends RunClass {
static { rc = new Test() }
void run() {
println “Hello World”
I understand that the ‘main’ method is static and it should be executed from `RunClass` only, but I have an implementation in a library, in which an instance is passed to allow using a non-static method to be executed instead.
Perhaps previous versions were mistaken (and current is the correct expectation) ?
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it has already been answered in this article - https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/206635495-Groovy-generated-classes-causing-compilation-issues geometry dash subzero