Inline doxygen issues
For some reason QtCreator has recently - but only intermittently - decided to start showing my doxygen docs ‘inline’ in the IDE.
This is kind of cool, but it seems to be doing a pretty bad job. For instance, I use ‘grouping’ a lot in the docs, eg:
//! @name Typedefs
//! @{
typedef int SGD_Bool;
typedef int SGD_Handle;
//! @}
But this seems to confuse the doxygen interpreter in the IDE, the ‘end group’ signifier in particular causes it to choke badly on the next documented entity. Ditto using @cond and @endcond to prevent blocks getting docced at all seems to confuse things.
Anyway, before I just turn it all off, I was just curious if there was something simple I might be doing wrong as it's definitely a nice idea. But I certainly appreciate doxygen must be a nightmare to parse so if this is QtCreator's best attempt that's fine too.
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