Rubocop Autocorrect not Working on Ruby Container
I can't get Rubocops auto-correct setting to work on my project. I am running the latest version of Rubymine: RubyMine 2023.2.6, Build #RM-232.10300.41, built on February 14, 2024.
Env setup:
- MacOS: 14.2.1 (23C71)
- SDK:
- Ruby version on Container: ruby 3.0.6p216 (2023-03-30 revision 23a532679b) [aarch64-linux]
- Ruby version in .ruby-version: 3.0.6
- Ruby version locally installed in Project: ruby 3.0.6p216 (2023-03-30 revision 23a532679b) [arm64-darwin22]
- Rubocop local: 1.54.2
- Rubucop on Docker container app dir: 1.48.1
Already checked this guide:
Checked this issue here:
Docker settings for running container:
Two things may happen:
- An error will show up saying there was an error with Rubocop
- The Autocorrect may work unexpectedly at certain moments, espcially when I hit save shortly after making a change to the code
This has been an ongoing issue for the last 2 years. Have you solved this issue already or point me in the right direction to address it.
Thank you!
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Arturo, you need to use Thumbs up button for that.
Rafael, is ‘rubocop’ gem listed for the interpreter in question in Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Ruby SDK and Gems?
At the moment, there's another known issue with RuboCop and Docker, could you please take a look at it:
It's also worth checking on the latest RubyMine's version, which is 2024.1.2 if we speak about the stable versions (vs 2024.2 EAP)
Yes, I checked that issue, and it’s related to my problem.
I am wondering if it has something to do with my settings. In the new RM version the rubicon autocorrect seems to be triggered every time I change my code and hit save immediately after , just before Rubocop inspection highlights the error. Standard inspection seems to work properly though
The issue I mentioned is still in progress, so if you have something similar, could you please add your vote there and follow it.
I don’t find where to vote for this issue in the youtracker page.
RubyMine 2024.1
Build #RM-241.14494.234, built on March 27, 2024
Licensed to …
Subscription is active until July 18, 2024.
Runtime version: 17.0.10+8-b1207.12 aarch64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
macOS 14.0
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 2048M
Cores: 8
Metal Rendering is ON
Hi everyone!
I'm facing a related problem. Everytime I run the rubocop integration, I get this error:
“Cannot find 'rubocop' in the installed gems.”
It indexes the gem after running “bundle install”:
/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /Users/username/workspace/project/docker-compose.yml -f /Users/username/Library/Caches/JetBrains/RubyMine2024.1/tmp/docker_compose/docker-compose.override.507.yml run --rm -T web
[+] Creating 2/0
✔ Container toguro-redis-1 Running0.0s
✔ Container toguro-db-1 Running0.0s
Fetching gem metadata from…
After indexing, it can't find the gem to run commands.
I'm using SDK as Remote Ruby Interpreter:
Olga, yes, it is:
Rafael, I've tried to reproduce it in RubyMine 2024.1.3 with our sample app, but it worked fine. Could you please check it on the same version with our project?
Rafael. Try this:
See if that solves it
Thank you Olga and Arturo for your reply.
I cloned that sample project and reproduce these steps and it worked!
I returned to my project and it runs as well 👍🏾
Great to know that, Rafael, thanks for the update.