From where does PyCharm discover the python.exe location?
I ask because I had installed Python interpreter using options I'd hoped would have no effect outside the install directory.
But then upon running PyCharm 2019.3.5 Create New Project I was surprised to see it discover the python.exe location:
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PyCharm takes Python executables from the PATH system variable. You can check its values by doing the following:
1. Click the Windows button and type "environment variables" to display a list of options.
2. Click the Edit the system environment variables option. The System Properties dialog is displayed.
3. Click the Environment Variables button. The Environment Variables dialog is displayed.
Thanks but this python.exe path os not present anywhere in the PATH variable.
This is as expected from the installer options:
That's unusual. Could you please run
echo $PATH$
in CMD and share the output?echo %PATH% ?
Privacy concern prevents me posting it here, but do you you have an email address I can send it to?
Upload id: 2024_06_04_Lw8iHLcK1BJppWVmYwMWpE (file: path.txt)
chrisjj , thank you for the output! python is indeed not present in PATH variable.
I am wondering if you can execute the following from CMD or PowerShell, would python be discovered on the system?