Where does RubyMine find ruby verisons?

Where does RubyMine find the versions of ruby to use on MacOS (Arm64 chip)?

I use rbenv for version management. The ONLY version of ruby I have installed on my machine right now is 3.3.1.

However, RubyMine seems to think I have 2.7.2 installed as well. This is incorrect - the path that it is displaying in this screenshot does NOT exist. I have no clue where it is finding this.

Even more frustrating, EVERY SINGLE TIME I close and reopen RubyMine, the selected ruby version gets reset to the (non-existent) 2.7.2 and I get hit with this error that 2.7.2 doesn't exist (obviously):

Where is it getting this incorrect information?

1 comment


Your issue looks similar to a known one, so could you please check whether it helps if you close all the projects inside RubyMine (there will be a Welcome screen) and after that re-open them back? 


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