Devcontainers setup
Hi, I am playing with new devcontainers configuration from Rails which is available with --devcontainer parameter when creating project. During build devcontainer I have this warning and after all there is no ruby installed in devcontainer, any clues how to fix it?

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We have a similar problem on our tracker, could you please take a look at it and check whether it's related.
I have exactly the same problem. And can't add RUBY SDK from list. There's no ruby in /usr/local/bin/.
I believe, that for some unknown reason rubymine can't get ruby docker image. I've already tried docker logout and login - doesn't matter. It just doesn't get that image, so there's actually no ruby in a container.
I've tried to run vscode on the same project and everything works just fine, image pulled and everything works right from the start.
My steps to reproduce problem:
1. Download rails-new from
2. Create new project with `./rails-new --rails-version 8.0.0.beta1 some-new-project-name --main --devcontainer`
3. Select & Build new Devcontainer in Rubymine. Got exactly the same error as first post in this thread.
Denis Soloshenko, could you please which RubyMine version are you using? Have you tried the latest 2024.3 EAP?
Olga Kuvardina Tried both 2024.2.3 and 2024.3 EAP - no difference.
Denis Soloshenko I figured out how to fix it but not remember exactly right know. If you inspect there is user set to “vscode”, so you need add to your project file `.devcontainer/devcontainer.json` options `“containerUser”: “vscode”` or `"remoteUser"; “vscode”`, one of these two should fix this issue (
The mentioned issue looks related to another known one we're working on, so please take a look and add your vote in case you find it similar to yours: