Detect actions on save


Use case:
My plugin handles external file write and undo operations (acting as rest server - not in scope of this issue). File write adds undo “My Plugin - File Write” labeled operation to stack. After some time when user want to undo I can detect if “My Plugin - File Write” is still on top of stack, and perform undo if it is.

Problem is when actions on save are performed - they add extra operations to undo stack so user cannot undo via my plugin.

I thought I could detect those registered actions, run them manually and group inside single undo group - but I don't think it's possible.

Is there any other solution I can do? 


Hi Marcin,

It's unclear what the issue is. How are you performing write and undo operations? Via UndoManager and UndoableAction? If yes, I don't understand why actions on save cause problems. Please describe the use case and what is happening in the code in more details.


Thank you for reply. Write operation is done using `WriteCommandAction.runWriteCommandAction` inside `CommandProcessor.getInstance().executeCommand` to have custom undo label and Undo is performed using `UndoManager`.


1. Plugin execute file write with custom undo label (undo = My File Write)  
2. IntelliJ runs actions on save (undo = Rearrange code)
3. Plugin wants to undo My File Write so it checks available undo name - it does not match

Is it possible to detect that Rearrange code (or other auto actions) have been by IntelliJ and not by the user directly?



Thanks for clarification.

Unfortunately, I don't see a way to achieve what you want. Actions can be grouped under a single undo item by executing them as a single executeCommand, or setting the same groupId, but there is no control over particular on save actions. Particular on save actions are responsible for executing their own commands.


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