Process resource after created by plugin


My plugin creates resource file in /src/main/resources/ using:

WriteCommandAction.runWriteCommandAction(project) {
   val fileType = FileTypeManager.getInstance().getFileTypeByFileName(
   val newFile = PsiFileFactory.getInstance(project).createFileFromText(, fileType, content)

That file is at some point of time copied to target/classes by IntelliJ automatically.

How can I trigger that compile/copy/process-resource action right after creating file?


Hi Marcin,

What do you mean by “That file is at some point of time copied to target/classes by IntelliJ automatically”.

I would expect that resources are copied to target by the build system (Maven, Gradle, etc.), not IntelliJ. Also, it sounds like a strange use case to copy resources from sources to the target directory automatically by the plugin. It sounds like a task for the build system.


In my case problem was that async refresh was not refreshing `target/` in proper time and thats why I was noticing changes “after some time”, after doing such:

ProjectTaskManager.getInstance(project).compile(vfsFile).then {

Resource file is present in target.

Case closed, thanks


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