Can't find the Markdown preview

Hello, this document describes specific “editor and preview” buttons to show the Markdown preview side-by-side with code.

However, here's what my editor looks like:

I can't find that button. Also, when I “search everything” for “Editor and preview” I see it's turned off:

I tried to turn that on, but after searching again, it gets turned off by itself.

At first, I didn't have pandoc installed (as I found out in settings), but after installation I still can't make the preview work.




Hello, Pk. From the screenshot you shared, it looks like the file wasn't recognized as a Markdown one. 

Could you please check if the Markdown plugin is enabled in the IDE? Also, please check if the *.md extension is added as Markdown to the Settings | Editor | File Types window:



OK I reinstalled WebStorm using the Toolbox and now it does seem to render properly.


Thank you for the update; glad the problem is solved now!

Please let me know if you have any further questions or requests.


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