Export Data to File (Postgres) - 0 records but no errors
I am trying to export some tables from Postgres database using CSV format. The process works and there are no errors but I always get (at least for those tables) 0 records saved. It takes couple of minutes but there are only 1mln records there. Not sure how to debug it to know what's going on?
Some other tables are fine. Also exporting with pg_dump seems fine but it can't be restored using pg_restore (the usual error to use psql, which is a bit weird - we have ability to export/import but yet we have to use something else?)
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This could have been one of the type mapping / conversion bugs we had in a previous version. If you're below 2024.2 version, please check if switching back to the old import dialog fixes the issue. See: File | Settings | Advanced Settings
To see the errors generated during the copying, please enable Write errors to file checkbox in the dialog window.
Thanks Aleksandr but does it relate to exporting as well as importing? I realised the export worked if I split the table into chunks but I don't think couple of mln records should be a problem? I tried exporting again and I got success with 0 records saved
To investigate this behavior, please provide your table definition and upload the following logs onto our FTP:
- idea log : Help - Show Log in Files
We'll have a look.