How pre-configure the settings while using IntelliJ with a dev container ?



We are using IntelliJ with a devcontainer on WSL,and I would like to know if it's possible to pre-configure some of the settings of the “distant” IntelliJ (like the language in the “Natural Languages”, the proxy configuration, …). Can I do this in the devcontainer.json file ? For the momment I was unable to find a documentation about this.

Thank for your help 


Hello, Vianney Maynadier

We plan to add a possibility to configure some of the IDE settings in the devcontainer.json file in the upcoming 2024.2 release; you will be able to set up the local IDE you use and copy these settings with one action to your IDE running in the devcontainer:


Unfortunately, we don't have documentation yet; it could take some time for our Technical Writers team to properly document this new feature as we have several hundred settings that could be configured via the devcontainer.json.


Tank for the information.


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