Macro Support
I'm using the `@dom` macro in Binding.scala ( ), which wraps the body of annotated vals and defs in a Binding or BindingSeq object.
Consider one of the examples:
object IntSample extends Sample {
def spinner(i: Var[Int]): Binding[Node] = {
<button onclick={ event: Event => i := i.get - 1 }>-</button>
{ i.bind.toString }
<button onclick={ event: Event => i := i.get + 1 }>+</button>
def render = {
val i = Var(0)
{ spinner(i).bind }
The current value of the spinner is { i.bind.toString }
IDEA expects the return type to be of xml.Elem or NodeBuffer, so all of the xml and calls to Binding's `bind`, `watch()`, and `unwatch()` methods get the red squiggles.
How would you recommend writing a sbt plugin to fix the highlighting?
I think I can override `SyntheticMembersInjector.injectFunctions` to add Binding's methods, but am unsure of how to fix the return type errors.
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