Why CLion?


I'm trying to use CLion to explore and run existing projects for which the source files and even Make files are already created.  Of course, the Make files are likely not quite right for my environment.  So, I was thinking that CLion would be a quick way to run these mini projects, but CLion is turning out to be a big hassle.  CLion looks to be a thin and shallow wrapper around CMake.  I'm not a CMake or a Make expert but it looks like I'm going to have to learn CMake to proficiently use CLion.  So that begs the question why bother with CLion?  Just learn and use CMake.

1 comment

Hi Roger,

If you don't really care about the build system, your best option is to create a CMake project and manage it via CLion, as it's able to add/remove files in CMakeLists.txt automatically and do other basic tasks. You can read CLion's Quick CMake tutorial to get started: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/clion/quick-cmake-tutorial.html 

For Make projects, CLion unfortunately doesn't offer a way to automatically add or remove source files to/from Make targets, but you can still open your existing project in CLion (https://www.jetbrains.com/help/clion/makefiles-support.html).

> What value added is CLion?

Using both approaches, you'll be able to:

- Build, run and debug your application from inside the IDE, without having to care about specific executable file locations or build commands

- Enjoy a large number of code-insight features, including smart code completion, refactorings, detecting code issues, and so on

- Integration with profilers, sanitizers, and other tools.

You can find an overview of CLion features here: https://www.jetbrains.com/clion/features/ 


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