Cannot create a new "node/express" project
Greeting Community
I'm trying to create a new "Node.js Express App" but the dialog doesn't allow me to do so, with this error:
"Please specify npm package"
I took a look a the online doc, it's referring to a "Npm executable" field, which I don't see:
What am I missing?
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Hi there,
Please click on "..." button associated with "Node Interpreter" field -- there you can specify the path to "npm package"
For me and my Windows 10 it auto detected the following:
C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe (v6.8.1)
C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm (v3.10.8)
Thanks for your answer. It wasn't clear I had to go to the node.js dialog, since the interpreter was found, but not the npm package (screenshots in the documentation would be nice :) )
It's working now.
What are the specifics of such a projet?
It pre-fills & pre-configures some of the necessary settings for Node.js related development.
How do I debug it? I've understand I can start the "www" script in the "bin" folder, and there are "Run/debug configuration" which have been created, but I can succeed in using them...
You need to add breakpoints to your files, then select the auto-created `bin/www` run configuration and press Debug:
OK but what was created was "debug app.js":
auto-created configuration is normally called 'bin/www'. You must have created your configurations manually (may be, by choosing 'Debug' from app.js right-click menu?)
Express app generated by express-generator should be started with bin/www, running app.js won't work