Cloud9 Deprecation

Since AWS announced they are no longer allowing new users to use AWS Cloud9 (been a user since 2013, self hosting and migrated to AWS for v3), I have begun initial migration to JetBrains Gateway and it has largely gone smooth.

There are a few things though that I'd really like to see, since I'm sure there will be other people who will have to switch from C9 to another remote IDE (coder simply does not offer the same features that C9 has when it comes to just clicking a link and being dumped into the IDE, SSH connectivity, etc).

1. Default shared installation for JetBrains IDE server binaries (annoying to have to copypasta /opt/shared/.cache/JetBrains/RemoteDev/dist to each IDE instance, also had to fsetacl the directory for the users so they can utilize the shared IDE binaries, otherwise each user has 2.2Gb of space which is quite a lot of space when I have a large number of users.)

2. I purchased an annual license, how do I actually LICENSE the remote instance? I believe it only prompted me for the 30 day trial (which I accepted) but now I have no idea how to actually link my JetBrains account to the IDE server instances.

3. Potentially syncing the JetBrains Gateway settings and IDE settings across multiple hosts? The benefit of C9 was I just had to login and I was at my IDE, ready for usage. If something similar for JetBrains Gateway could be offered, that would be amazing!


Please let me know if I'm being unreasonable or if there are existing solutions for these bullets.

Thank you!


Thank you for contacting us; it's indeed an interesting field. 

1. Please elaborate on the first question:

>Default shared installation for JetBrains IDE server binaries

Do you mean you'd like to see one IDE shared among different system users instead of /home/each-user-separately? If yes, do you suppose these users will work simultaneously on one project, aka "collab mode", or just share the installation?


2. >I purchased an annual license, how do I actually LICENSE the remote instance

License activation happens on the local side. When you start a remote IDE, the client (local UI part) will ask for the same product license, so you activate it the same way as the standard one. 

3. We'll discuss and come back later


Regarding your third question: We are working on seamless use of settings from the local IDE setup. The main idea is to sync settings from the local machine to a remote one when connecting to it. This task is currently in progress, but we can't share estimates on its completion.

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