Combining "Go To Declaration" with "Search Symbol"

Since Python is dynamic it may be hard to determine the proper method or instance to jump to in "Go To Declaration". Currently PyCharm will not show anything when trying to "drill-in" (i.e. CTRL-B) but using Search Symbol (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N) I'm able to find the requested method (there may be of course several options to choose from).

In NetBeans the Python editor will show you a popup with the possible options to navigate to, in essence it is what I get when using PyCharm's Search Symbol. Is there a way (or are you planning to add this) to get the matching symbols without going to "search symbol" and retyping the method name?

BTW - most of the times PyCharm is way better then NetBeans in finding the right method to jump to (when it is possible to deduce). ;-)


Hello zeevb,

This isn't supported now, but we plan to add this in one of the nearest EAP


Since Python is dynamic it may be hard to determine the proper method

or instance to jump to in "Go To Declaration". Currently PyCharm will

not show anything when trying to "drill-in" (i.e. CTRL-B) but using

Search Symbol (CtrlShiftAlt+N) I'm able to find the requested method

(there may be of course several options to choose from).

In NetBeans the Python editor will show you a popup with the possible

options to navigate to, in essence it is what I get when using

PyCharm's Search Symbol. Is there a way (or are you planning to add

this) to get the matching symbols without going to "search symbol" and

retyping the method name?

BTW - most of the times PyCharm is way better then NetBeans in finding

the right method to jump to (when it is possible to deduce).


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Dmitry Jemerov

Development Lead

JetBrains, Inc.

"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for the quick answer.


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