symbol indexing keeps getting screwed up
Thi sis the second time that this has happened in 1 week. Many of my symbols are marked as not being visible and when I roll over it I get a pop up that says "Can't resolve variable or class" despite the include file being properly included.
I do not have any errors or warnings when I build the project.
below is an example. BCLibrary is not visible to the file despite BCLibrary.h being included at the top.
When I reindex, everything works properly but that is a fairly painful thing to have to do on a regular basis.
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Another issue is that most of the include files are marked as not being in use despite many of them being in use.
you said 'when i reindex' .... how do you do that ? is there a way without closing the project and reopening ??? i have same issue, multiple times a day, it drives me nuts.
I use file -> invalidate caches / restart
and yes, I have to restart appcode and I lose all my local history which is a real bummer.
I'm starting to really appreciate having finer detail than my vcs for seeing changes to a file
Hello Dave.
Does it make any difference if you edit one of these headers or/and their corresponding #import lines?
I have posted two ways of getting this
Also, sometimes, when i enter a new line of code referencing some yet-unimported header, and (impatient me !) i dont wait the mandatory 4-15 seconds it takes for AppCode to offer me to import (via alt-enter) ... but instead go ahead and type in the import statement, wham ... corrupt. If i am patient enough and alt-enter the suggestion, no corruption.
I have tried just about everything thinkable to fix this without closing the project, edit the imports/includes , etc etc etc ... could not find one.
unlike Yves, I dont get the problem when I manually write an import statement.
for me, it seems like it happens randomly.
In order to fix the issue, I tried modifying the import statement. I also used the inspection to get app code to rewrite the import hoping that it would pick it up. but nothing like that ended up working. I even went through the code itself in order to try and track down where there was some previous import that was causing an issue for all imports after a certain point.
the only thing that worked was reindexing.
although on a separate issue, I was running into some serious performance problems about the same time as the import problems started happening. So I doubled my cache sizes in order to make app code more responsive again.
I haven't had the problem since, so maybe it was due to some kind of out of memory issue that wasnt throwing an exception.
Also, after thinking about the performance issue for a while, I realized I installed the latest version of java which is 64 bit only. this may have inadvertantly caused both problems until I increased heap size.
I think app code should detect wether it's running in 64 bit mode and warn the user or have some automatic way of adjusting these values, the default values seems really low for 64 bit.
I just restart AppCode to get around the issue, I don't force a reindex. I notice this behavior is pretty much guaranteed to happen if I have two or more projects open. It's like AppCode gets completely confused. It does not require multiple projects to be opened to happen, but its fairly rare.
I have this issue as well.
However, when its working normally, the feature is immediate. I've never had to wait for it. In fact it can get annoying, popping up the 'tooltip' for me to add the import before I've even finished typing the name of the type. What kind of hardware are you using if I may ask? I'm on a Mid 2012 Mac Book Pro, 8 Gigs of ram and SSD.
similar, MBP 17", 16 Gb, 7200 rpm disk. Size of the project matters, and JVM settings. If you are running a 64bits java, the Jetbrains settings are totally insufficient. Since tuning a bit my JVM, i have better results, but if you use the 'out of the box' settings from Jetbrains (like i did), i would get a corrupt index every 10 minutes of work.
Hi Dave,
Could you send us memory snapshot when you next time face with your performance issue (
Also, here is the info how to change vmoptions for IDEA platform:
Best Regards,