any help coming soon on the bogus AVPlayerOutputPushDelegate warning ???
I think this is probably an Apple issue ...
but ... it makes this useless. Having a false positive in every class is a bummer. Tends to encourage leniency : i thrive on green summary indicators and all i am getting is this for no reason at all.
Upvoting a bug report that gets pushed back to the very bottom of the backlog wont help. Could you intervene with the product owner so that this bogus can be removed from my sight and render the summary box useful again ? pleaaaase ....
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While it's not fixed, you can suppress or disable this inspection (see the screenshot).
Screen Shot 2014-09-08 at 15.47.42.png
i dont know how to obtain that menu in context ... but it does not really matter : i probably have 400+ classes (files) in one project alone where this bogus shows up at the moment. The inspection is useful (for my own mistakes) and i keep it around for that purpose. Working around apple framework bugs , i can live with. But working around IDE bugs is a bit hard to take. FIX the goddam thing.
How about one or two cleanup sprints to get rid of long-time annoyances like this ? Would JetBrains allow IntelliJ to become as crappy as AppCode is becoming ? Here are a few examples:
In spite of all this, this product has the JetBrains finesse and could be a phenomenal product. As it stands, i get the feeling that you are more concerned about piling-up more and more 'third level' features that you forget the basic thing : the usability is degenerating at every build that comes out.
Press the right arrow to get this menu.
If GC is running too often, try to increase Xmx for AppCode and enable the memory indicator.
What's the number of this issue in YouTrack?
Avoiding the issue again. Right now i am running at 3Gb. Point is, cant you force a GC at convenient places (from a workflow standpoint). For example, after a build, a clean, a global search, etc ... the extra second will hardly be noticed, but at least users wont get the beach ball when editing code, where it is the most noticeable AND irritating.
ps: press the right arrow ? when, how ? if i hover over the highlighted import or click into it, pressing the right arrow just moves the cursor.
opt+enter, then right arrow
opt-enter , right arrow works well on other inspection results in the same file, but does nothing on this one. Did I mention "bogus" in the title of the discussion ?
It should work. After you select "suppress", file should look like this:
opt-enter right arrow just moves the cursor on that, ie no menus are appearing. another bug ? not really, it is just the outcome of another but imho ... just fix the bogus so you dont have to mess with inspections.
and yes, pragma'ing out the inspection removes the stupid warning. 400+ files.
ps : should it not be 'pragma ide diagnostic push/pop' ? because clang never even blinks at these... ie no compile warnings.
Could you please create issue in YouTrack or point me to existing one?
10 months ago.