How to install dictionary (polish example)
How to install dictionary for other languages?
1) You must have Mozilla Thunderbird
2) Browse to Program Filles/Mozilla Thunderbird/dictionares
3) locate dic file - ex: pl.dic
4) edit this file in Notepad++ (
5) replace all bad coding and stupid character (alt + 0182)
replace all junks: push Ctrl + R, in search type: /.+$ (without space), replace set empty. Push [Replace Rest] button.
7) Select all (Ctrl + A), copy (Ctrol + C), set Format to "UTF without BOM", now paste (Ctrl + V)
9) in PhpStorm go to preferences->spelling->dictionary select your new dic file :-)
Enjoy ;]
Ps. Sory for my bad english
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See also my reply at
I'm working on an Italian translation for my Django project, and I want to have Italian spell checker enabled in PyCharm. Well this is the only advice I could find on it, so I generated the italian.dic file using aspell and its close to 700 MB in Size! Well I've tried it both ways with the utf-8 and the iso-8859-1 encodings, and in either case when in PyCharm 1.2.1 on Windows 7 I Can add the dictionary file and it essentially hoses the program when I try to apply the setting. I can watch memory usage climb to about 600MB before stagering and the program never does respond again. It sure would be nice to get multi-language support working for editing these messages files.
1. You don't need to install Thunderbird, you can download dictionary from the mozilla repository or Libre Office:
2. IntelliJ uses plain words dictionaries, so is better to install Aspell dictionary (, export it using: `aspell -d pl dump master` (language default encoding).
3. Not everything that you don't understand is stupid...
Hi! I have prepared ready to use Polish dictionary file there: so feel free to use it. It is new dictionary, because I use newest Polish source from which provides probably all variations of polish words :)
Dzięki. Działa bardzo dobrze.
Since last month you dont need combine with downloading dictionary from other sources. See
Checked with polish dictionary - work fine.