Couldn't create target
I feel stupid for asking this. But I am completely new to AppCode and setting up the project. I have a project in Xcode that I am trying to open and run in AppCode. I am sure this error is due to some configuration issue and I'll continue to research it but was hoping to get a pointer or two in the mean time. Can somebody help me get started?
Thank you.
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AppCode currently does have project configuration facilities (targets management, build phases configuration etc.), we are planning to implement them in the next major revamp.
Meanwhile you can quickly open current project in Xcode using File | Open Pfoject in Xcode action.
I used to be able to build and run an app in AppCode on a previous job. I never had to set it up though, so I was looking for the "majic" that they did to make it work. Is this because of an update in Xcode? So, what you are telling me is that I can code all day long in AppCode, but to build and test I need to open the project in Xcode? I just want to be sure that I understand.
Thank you for your answer,
could you please give some details about the problem?
* What are the steps to reproduce?
* What does AppCode do?
Also, please make sure, that AppCode uses the correct version of Xcode (see AppCode | Preferences | Xcode).
Hello Anton,
In my case this question hasn't been solved.
I have been compiling without any problems through AppCode till his problem turned up on 2 of my projects. I really can't say what changed but now I cannot compile on device through AppCode. I get the error : "couldn't create target" but I can compile on my device through XCode. I have no problems with the simulator.
Any ideas would be very welcome.
Thanks !
(sorry accidentally double posted)
please try the following steps:
* reboot the device and mac
* detete ~/Library/Developer/iOS DeviceSupport and update the device in Xcode | Organizer.
Does it help?
Hello Anton,
Thanks for your reply, unfortunately this didn't work for me, however I do have a couple of questions regarding your instructions:
* reboot the device and mac
--> DONE
* detete ~/Library/Developer/iOS DeviceSupport and update the device in Xcode | Organizer
--> For me the "iOS DeviceSupport" folder was in ~/Library/Developer/XCode/
--> What do you mean by "update the device in XCode" ? I just deleted the folder and opened the organizer but my device was recognized as it was before.
Thanks again for your help.
After clearing this folder, Xcode should reload and process symbols from the device before you can start debugging with it.
Are you able to debug the same app on the same device in Xcode?
BTW, does AppCode use the same version of Xcode (check AppCode | Preferences | Xcode)
Cleaning the folder doesn't seem to have any effect, in fact the folder remains empty after restarting the organizer and the device.
I am using the same version of XCode, I checked.
And yes I can debug on the device in XCode but not in Appcode.
It really is quite strange becuase it really feels like the problem came out of nowhere, one day I was using AppCode exclusively and the next I couldn't debug on the device anymore.
The problem first showed up a couple of months ago with one project. I tried to fix it but quickly gave up and just used XCode to debug. And now just last week the problem appeared on my current project and so I decided to investigate a bit further and write on the forum.
Thanks for you help,
Anthony, looks like XCode stores symbolication information in the bundle as well.
Could you please:
1. Quit Xcode
2. Make reserve copy and remove all folders from /Applications/
3. Start XCode and connect devices
As a result, as Anton said before Xcode will reload and process symbols from the device after clearing this folder.
Those instructions did seem to force the organizer to copy all symbols from the device again (process took about 2 minutes).
Unfortunately it hasn't solved the problem. I still get "Couldn't create target".
could you please enable debug logging for AppCode (just copy attached log.xml to, reproduce the problem and attach /Users/user/Library/Logs/appCode20/idea.log file.
Please attach the build log Messages tool window, Show Build Log button) as well.
Also please provide information regarding AppCode, XCode and OSX versions
Xcode version 5.1 (5B130a)
Mac OSX version 10.9.2
Anthony, thanks for the log.
May I ask you to create any sample project where this bug is reproducible and attach to
BTW, what device architecture do you use? arm64? armv7?
I tried but can't reproduce it right now. Created a new project, single view app. Added a Label and built and installed it on device without any issues.
If I manage to reproduce it on a test project I will let you know, unfortunately right now that is not happening.
I really wish I knew what had changed ...
I build on the latest iPad Air which I believe is arm64
Ok, thank you for help and time.
In case of reproducing it again also please check to Clean before Run and Build.
Managed to reproduce the problem. I updated the ticket :
Was hit by this for the first time today.
This is a regression from how AppCode worked before.