Switch spell checking to off
I frequently check out my project from GitHub. On GitHub I have disable the syncing of the folder .idea/ in gitignore, because I'm afraid of the additional traffic this folder might cause.
The (small) problem: after checking out, the spell checker ist active again. I never ever want to spell check my code. Is there a way to completely deactivate spellchecking for AppCode on an application level?
Thanks in advance
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Yes, see File->Template Settings->Inspections->Project Default->Spelling.
This setting will be inherited by all new projects.
Thanks a lot for your response!
BTW: is there a documentation where I could have looked this up? On the docs page I didn't find one.
Thanks again.
AppCode doesn't have a dedicated help yes; though, you can check IntelliJ IDEA documentation, since both products share the same platform:
unfortunately this doesn't work here. Every time I check out the project, the spell checking is active again.
Whtas the name of the file where this setting is stored? I will exclude it from gitignore and try again.
this is strange. Do you check out the project on the same computer?
Please note, that you should change 'Project Default' scheme, not 'Default'