Assesorizer Mel OBrien Created May 28, 2011 20:20 I use this to quickly create property groups and deallocations. Does this app work with Appcode? Are there already refactorings in appcode that do the same thing as assesorizer?
It has been replaced for what I use it for. Code-> Generate property from instance variable. Awesome stuff.
Assesorizer does not seem to work with appcode.
also it seems to be an option on the light bulb when i click on an instance variable
You can also do the vice versa - generate the instance variable from the property. You can even set the prefix/suffix of the instance variable names.
This is one of my favorite AppCode features - it saves me writing *so* much plumbing code...
...but is there a way to make the autogeneration do:
self.myProperty = nil;
instead of:
[_myProperty release];
...of course only if the property is retained - it won't work for a readonly property...
You can configure how to release ivars in Settings -> Code Style -> Code Generation. property = nil is one of the possibilities
Awesome - that works just perfect...