I had the same issue with intelliJ 2019.2 in windows 10 and to fiw this I had to open the file "c:\Users\[theUser]\.IntelliJIdea2019.2\config\options\ui.lnf.xml" and set the option entry SHOW_MAIN_MENU to true and it fixed my problem!
I had the same problem, although with a different origin, I was playing around with the showing/hiding toolbars from the View - Appearance menu, but after switching off the main menu, I could no longer go to View, as it was now hidden. After this, I had no visible option to restore the main menu.
I had this happen with Rider. I searched my file system for "win.ui.lnf.xml" and renamed it to "win.ui.lnf.xml.bak" while rider was closed. I then reopened rider and it had loaded and saved the defaults, and the toolbar was back.
I diffed the two, and the broken file had these lines:
In march 2024, a new experimental feature causes a nearly identical issue, so those who are new here are advised to read here: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/linux-native-menu.html#troubleshoot TL;DR: CTRL+SHIFT+A, type in “Experimental Features”, find “linux.native.menu”, and uncheck it.
So, they introduce an experimental feature. In secret. Automatically on. Hidden from all other relevant menu items in settings. Why are you doing this?
Have you tried (the most obvious, for me) "View | Toolbar" ?
My Toolbar is now left-handed - not sure why
I had the same issue with intelliJ 2019.2 in windows 10 and to fiw this I had to open the file "c:\Users\[theUser]\.IntelliJIdea2019.2\config\options\ui.lnf.xml" and set the option entry SHOW_MAIN_MENU to true and it fixed my problem!
Had the same issue in PyCharm 2019.3 - Mahathiesham's solution worked for me. Here's a SO thread about it:
I encounter the same issue on 2020.1 on opensuse. None of the above works.
Please try solution from the following comment https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-34988#focus=streamItem-27-3371182.0-0
Thanks, that works.
I had the same problem, although with a different origin, I was playing around with the showing/hiding toolbars from the View - Appearance menu, but after switching off the main menu, I could no longer go to View, as it was now hidden. After this, I had no visible option to restore the main menu.
Turns out, there is a documented workaround on this page: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/customize-actions-menus-and-toolbars.html#show-hide
In short: Ctrl+Shift+A and search for 'main menu'.
This worked for me. I hope it also helps for others who might read this.
I had this happen with Rider. I searched my file system for "win.ui.lnf.xml" and renamed it to "win.ui.lnf.xml.bak" while rider was closed. I then reopened rider and it had loaded and saved the defaults, and the toolbar was back.
I diffed the two, and the broken file had these lines:
<option name="OPEN_IN_PREVIEW_TAB_IF_POSSIBLE" value="true" />
<option name="SHOW_NAVIGATION_BAR" value="false" />
So deleting the SHOW_NAVIGATION_BAR one would have likely worked as well.
In march 2024, a new experimental feature causes a nearly identical issue, so those who are new here are advised to read here:
TL;DR: CTRL+SHIFT+A, type in “Experimental Features”, find “linux.native.menu”, and uncheck it.
So, they introduce an experimental feature. In secret. Automatically on. Hidden from all other relevant menu items in settings. Why are you doing this?