Rest Client - How can I pass body arguments in POST request

I am trying to test REST interface with the pycharm rest client tool. I am able to send data as query arguments but not as request body arguments. As soon as I mark "request body->text" post request comes to the server empty.

Following is a copy of exported post request:
  <option name="biscuits">
    <list />
  <option name="httpMethod" value="POST" />
  <option name="urlBase" value="http://experimental:8080" />
  <option name="urlPath" value="/users/22/" />
  <option name="headers">
        <option name="key" value="Accept" />
        <option name="value" value="*/*" />
        <option name="key" value="Cache-Control" />
        <option name="value" value="no-cache" />
  <option name="parameters">
        <option name="key" value="req_param" />
        <option name="value" value="work" />
  <option name="parametersEnabled" value="true" />
  <option name="haveTextToSend" value="true" />
  <option name="haveFileToSend" value="false" />
  <option name="isFileUpload" value="false" />
  <option name="textToSend" value="body_param=&quot;NeverArraives&quot;" />
  <option name="filesToSend" value="" />

Any help is greatly appreciated.
You might need to set the request header Content-Type: text/xml or something similar.
Thank you. Adding "Content-Type" field solved the problem.

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