Element not in project
I am getting a lot of "element not in project" or if I am trying to implement a function from the class I get "These files do not belong to the project" pop up.
A bit of info about the project:
1. It uses a global CMakeLists.txt and then sub cmakes. So the part I am editing would be under the api/ subproject.
2. The class I am editing is indeed part of the project
3. The class is encompassed by a namespace
4. I have tried opening the subproject cmake directly and it says the same thing.
I am posting the cmakelists for the api project and the header code. This happens with all the classes in my projects.
namespace APIcmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11) project(mcm-mobile-api) include_directories( ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIR} ../rapidjson/include ./ ./src ) add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC src/mcminterface.cpp src/securitytoken.cpp src/error.cpp src/curlheader.cpp src/curlhandler.cpp src/transaction.cpp src/customer.cpp src/creditcard.cpp )
All the classes in the above say it's not part of the project.
One thing I noticed at one point was when clicking "add new cpp class" it prompts for a project to add the class to and they are all listed as ${PROJECT_NAME} instead of the parsed out project name from cmake. Bug maybe? Maybe this is causing the issues though.
Now in the above code example I added the void xxx() and hit alt+insert, chose Implement Functions and then it will warn me it's not in the project after I choose xxx from the popup to implement.
Any ideas? Should I bug this?
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I just noticed that CLion doesn't handle symlinks very well. This may be causing the issue.
When I went to a symbol it opened a new file at the hard link path rather than the relative sym linked path.
My project has the following directory:
My symlink is:
source -> /media/truecrypt1/source
This file is open in CLion, but when I was in securitytoken.h and browsed to a symbol it opened:
Then when I went to edit that file it said it wasn't part of the project.
I'm going to file this as a bug I think.
Tested it without the symlink and it works properly, so I'm going to file a bug.
I don't have access to report bugs. :(
Here is the issue without the specific problems I am experiencing, but if fixed it would fix my issues too:
Looks like it's been tracked since September with no action. I would like to upvote it for attention at least, or report a bug with the specific problems. Not sure why they disable bug reporting.
If anyone from JB reads this, hopefully they can get some attention to that bug. :)
Hi Mike
I just had the same problem with "CLion".
To fix the problem I clicked the header "File" and then choose "Reload CMake Project"
I hope this fixes your problem. :)
Thanks for the tip. I have learned to just avoid symlinks. I haven't tested it since they introduced the cmake reload feature a ways back. Next time I accidentally open a project from a symlink I'll test this.