Out of Memory Error w/Webstorm 2016.3
Just installed the update this morning and right away, before I even begin trying to work with the IDE, Webstorm is showing me the Out of Memory dialog. I doubled the -Xmx to 1500 from 750, but haven't yet touched the other two fields, -XX:MaxPermSize and -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize. Oddly, the value for -XX:MaxPermSize is shown as "Unknown".
I've seen OOM errors before, but never when I'd just opened projects and hadn't even begun working.
Is anyone else experiencing this? Is there a known fix?
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Please provide the auto-generated memory snapshot - it should be saved to *.hprof file in your HOME directory
@Elena I'm not sure what you mean by my HOME directory. I'm running OS X and the only directory I can find that might apply (/home) is empty.
For what it's worth, what should the values be?
it's usually `/home/Your_name`; it you can't find the files, please attach your idea.log (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085-Locating-IDE-log-files)
There's no clear way to attach a file to a comment as far as I can see, so I am attaching a copy of my idea.log file that I am hosting in my dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xfendwnblj8rrpn/idea.log?dl=0
Nothing interesting in the log unfortunately; please try searching for .hprof files in `/Users/919563/` folder
My apologies, I did find java_error_in_webstorm.hprof, which is probably the file you were referring to earlier. I missed the * and thought I was just looking for an invisible file called .hprof.
However, the file is ~73mb zipped, and I'm already a little wary of what info is in those logs that I might not want to share with the general public. Am I putting myself at risk? Is there any other way I can get this file to you than providing a link to it from my dropbox folder?
You can upload it to our FTP server: ftp://ftp.intellij.net/.uploads/ (anonymous login, .uploads directory has no permissions to list/download files, only for upload, so that other users will not be able to view your files)
Hi even am also having the same issue i tried changing the xmx=1500m but no help. And also its very slow. Am not able to upload the heap dum file in the path ftp://ftp.intellij.net/.uploads/ . kindly let me know how do i fix the issue
what problems uploading it have you faced?
Also, how big is your project? What frameworks/build tools/bundlers are used?
I'd suggest excluding all folders dynamically generated by build tools from your project (Mark directory as/Excluded).
1.please find the screenshot am not finding upload folder and am not getting any option to upload
Am using the ExtJS framework,Nodejs,compondJS etc., the project is bit big size 10,311,451,393 bytes (10.83 GB on disk) for 187,724 items. Actually am not building the project using webstorm am just using it as editor to navigate and edit.
1. please try using https://uploads.services.jetbrains.com/ instead
2. if you are building it outside of WebStorm, you still need excluding all folders where the generated stuff is placed from indexing
Hi Elena thanks for the link. I have uploaded with the name rajp8007_heapDump-Webstorm-1479537551671.hprof.zip. could you please take look and let me know your comments.
Thanks! Unfortunately the dump shows that only 70MB are used. It sometimes happens that auto-created memory dumps are slightly delayed and captured after memory was cleared. Could you please attach idea.log (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085-Locating-IDE-log-files) and capture CPU snapshot (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241235-Reporting-performance-problems) instead?
I'm running Intellij 2016.3.1 on Windows 10. I'm constantly having issues with our of memory, on a i7 6700k System. I uploaded the log files on https://uploads.services.jetbrains.com/ - name ARTAXERXES-23122016.zip.
Please let me know if you need more information.
Happy Holidays!
Can't see snapshots in the zip - just the log... Please can you provide CPU snapshots (see https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/205970744/comments/205085004)?
Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Thanks for your quick answer. I started the CPU profiler, but unfortunately the IDE started crashing. I have tried 3 times already :(
I began having this same issue this week.
I have uploaded the heapDump zip file (heapDump-Webstorm-1483711671496.hprof.zip (23.4 mb))
unfortunately the dump doesn't show up any issues - only 60MB are used according to it...
It sometimes happens that auto-created memory dumps are slightly delayed and captured after memory was cleared. Could you please attach idea.log (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085-Locating-IDE-log-files) and capture CPU snapshot once the problem occurs (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241235-Reporting-performance-problems) instead?
I just uploaded another dump in hopes that it helps with the issue.
please provide a file name
Exactly the same thing is happening for me, and it's making the product unusable. This is very frustrating after I have paid for it. The most frustrating thing is that if this stops happening, WebStorm is better than any of the alternatives.
This seems to have been happening for years. I wish you would devote more resources to fixing it once and for all.
This often causes a hang that is so bad, I have to kill the process in the Task Manager.
I am also having this issue now. It started either a0 after the update to the latest patch b) after I set up a browserify task runner but the problem should not exist if there is no task running. Tried to instal v8 profiler but couldn't from GUI. Terminal install seemed to work but I can't even open a window it is that slow.
If you encounter this problem please provide the logs requested earlier: memory and cpu snapshots and idea.log.
I am also running out of memory often. It's getting really frustrating.
please see above - we need logs and memory snapshots to see what's going on
Well the log file is 1GB in my computer. It is hard for me to upload it.
But What I did is turned of text highlighting. Losing a lot of functionality may be but it is fast and reduced memory error.
I uploaded my .hprof file but I just noticed I'm running the latest version:
WebStorm 2017.2.4
Build #WS-172.4155.35, built on September 11, 2017
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-915-b11 x86_64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Mac OS X 10.12.6
I tried to upload a ZIP with my preferences, caches, and logs but it keeps failing to upload.
Funny, after i clear PhpStorm system log folder, problem is gone.